RIM recently announced the unveiling of a new Smartphone they have dubbed the Blackberry Bold. The Blackberry Bold includes many new features that RIM has never included on any of the current or previous Blackberry phones. The major “first” is that the Blackberry Bold is the first model to include 3G HDSPA technology. The resolution on the screen is also higher than on previous Blackberry models and with the addition of support while the user works with Microsoft office files, working with the Blackberry Bold will make it substantially easier than it was with any of the earlier Blackberry models. The screen size on the Blackberry Bold measures around 480 x 320, which makes it large enough for a user to comfortably view mobile video and long emails. This larger display area means the Blackberry Bold has to be larger than previous Blackberry phones, but in spite of the size increase, it is still lightweight with a keyboard that is easy to operate. Another first for this model is the inclusion of Blackberry 4.6, the newest version of the Blackberry operating system. It has a 624 MHz processor and in addition to being the first Blackberry with 3G HSDPA high speed networking, it also has GPS and Wi-Fi.Prior to the introduction of the Blackberry Bold, working with Microsoft Office files was rather obsolete, but new technology by RIM includes the DataViz Documents to Go. It is a more stable program that is considered a premium program among Mobile Office suite software. Documents to Go allows you to view documents and presentations almost the same as you would be able to view them on a desktop PC. This is a definite advantage for those who do a great deal of traveling and rely on their Blackberry for communications with their office and clients. Remember, however, that you may only be able to view Microsoft documents but not edit them. Since the Blackberry Bold is not yet available in all global markets, you may need to search a little bit to find a Blackberry Bold review that will allow you enough information to make a decision about upgrading to this Blackberry model. The features are designed with both the business and personal traveler in mind, so you don’t have to worry about any loss of features with the Blackberry Bold. As the Blackberry Bold becomes more globally available, you will see a variety of mobile phone deals that will help ease the burden of purchasing the Blackberry Bold. It is certainly the wave of the future in Smartphones and the newest one from RIM. This first 3G phone from RIM provides many features that one would expect from a Blackberry that have not been previously available, and the fact that it includes so many first time features shows that RIM is looking toward a new generation of Smartphones. Read a Blackberry Bold review and you will understand why this model is destined to become more popular than any other model RIM has released.
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