Tagged: Outage

Victim of December 22 Blackberry Outage? Get a free Blackberry Curve

A strange thing happened on December 22 2009, thousands of blackberry users simultaneously had trouble accessing the internet and e-mail aspect of the blackberry internet service. So many users had trouble accessing the service, sparking outrage on Twitter. Many users reported just spurts or trickles if any e-mail at all. This phenomenon occured all throughout the United States. In response, you can now get a free blackberry curve, all you have to do is enter your e-mail.This problem first surfaced through the social media blog, Mashable. When I first logged onto the internet today, Mashable said this:

“It’s not just you: BlackBerry users are reporting an outage today that’s causing issues accessing email. It would appear the BIS (BlackBerry Internet Service) is unresponsive, as BlackBerry users on the Mashable team are unable to reach email.

However, the outage is seemingly sporadic: on Twitter, many users report bursts of email coming through.”Since this initial report many thousands of users have had trouble accessing the internet or e-mail. The blackberry’s internet service is appropriately called the Blackberry internet service or BIS. This blackberry outage december 22 seems to be a nationwide phenomenon. If you are a blackberry user, or even if you’re not, get a free blackberry curve just by entering your e-mail.This is the first time in a long time that a major national cellular network has had so much trouble with it’s internet service. This could have to do with repair work or updates being made, but we are not completely sure. Will report back as more news comes in.