Tagged: internet

Kamu nggak ngerti Internet ya ? Kunoooooo……. !!

XLangkah Lebih MajuBeberapa waktu lalu ngetrend slogan ” Kamu ngga ngerti Internet ya ? Ndesoooo….! “ yang di lontarkan Tukul Arwana dalam iklan provider selular XL. Namun beberapa waktu setelah peluncuran iklan tersebut , muncul polemik tentang slogan tersebut. Sehingga slogan nya diganti dari “Ndeso” menjadi “Kuno”.

Bagi saya pribadi sebagai orang ndeso ( yaa..saya berasal dari sebuah desa kecil di barat Yogyakarta, tepatnya di Desa Kalibawang , Kabupaten Kulon Progo di kaki Gunung Menoreh ) iklan tersebut bukan sebagai bentuk pelecehan orang desa seperti saya. Namun merupakan sebuah langkah untuk memacu masyarakat desa untuk mengenal apa itu Internet. Apalagi program Internet masuk Desa mulai menyebar ke seluruh Indonesia baik oleh suatu lembaga ataupun pemerintah.

Jujur, saya baru mengenal internet ketika saya masuk bangku SMK 2 Yogyakarta pada tahun 1998. Saya ingat hal pertama kali yang saya lakukan di sebuah Warnet di deket sekolah saya, yaitu membuat email. Dan email tersebut sampai sekarang masih saya gunakan. Dan sampai saya lulus SMK , saya masih belum mengenal apa itu website, blog atau forum internet. Yang saya tahu sekedar browsing, email sama temen2 dan chatting mIRC kala itu.

Selepas lulus SMK, saya berhasil melewati sebuah tes penerimaan karyawan dan ditempatkan di Surabaya, yang notabene kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Dimana kemajuan teknologi internet sangat nampak. Saya pun semakin semangat melanjutkan mengenal internet dan seluk beluk nya. Sampai akhirnya pada 2002 saya sudah mampu membuat personal website gratisan yang sangat sederhana. Kemampuan saya di dunia internet berkembang pesat hanya dalam 2 tahun. Saya sudah berhasil membuat blog sendiri, dengan domain sendiri dan dengan server sendiri. Ini tidak terlepas dari kegemaran saya surfing ke forum forum internet.

Tidak hanya itu, pada tahun itu pula ( 2004 ) saya mulai mengenal Internet Moneytize. Jadi dengan internet , kita bisa memperoleh penghasilan. Wow…saya semakin getol belajar dan belajar, baik dari teman dunia maya ataupun teman kopi darat di Surabaya. Tidak disangka  dari blog saya ini saya bisa mendapatkan tambahan uang jajan.

Memang tidak bisa dipungkiri,internet bagai pisau bermata dua. Di satu sisi bisa memberikan manfaat dan satu sisi bisa memberi efek buruk. Bagi saya , internet benar benar telah membuat saya selangkah lebih maju, seperti motto nya XL ” XLangkah Lebih Maju “ sampai saat ini bahkan sampai kapanpun Internet bakal terus menjadi pustaka tak terbatas buat saya. Ilmu ilmu yang bermanfaat bakal saya cari terus dari internet.

Jadi… , masih ngga ngerti internet ? Kunooooo…..!!


Sony Ericsson and the Mobile Internet – Which Mobile Phones Give You the Best Internet Experience?

In 2008, the internet is becoming a massive feature on more and more mobile phones. Sony Ericsson have traditionally been one of the foremost manufacturers to make to mobile phones that let users get online. But what are their plans for the rest of 2008?

Browsing history – the development of Sony Ericsson internet-enabled mobile phones

It really began, way back in 2003, with the Sony Ericsson P800, one of the first wave of what we might call ‘modern smart mobile phones’. It was, essentially, the first Sony Ericsson mobile phone that gave you full internet access. Ok, it wasn’t fast, as it only used a GSM signal, and it didn’t really have content that was particularly rich, since it lacked Flash, javascript, frames and so on, but there was no denying that it was definitely one of the first mobile phones that gave its owner the means to get themselves online, whenever and wherever they were. I know. I had the Sony Ericsson P800. And I used it almost exclusively for sneakily looking up the answers to pub quizzes I was taking part in at the time. It certainly beat texting your mates.

However, that was just the beginning. As Sony Ericsson mobile phones evolved over the years, more and more of them let the user get online. More and more of them moved away from WAP (which is a GOOD thing), and towards FULL internet access. GSM mobile phones gave way to 3G mobile phones, and the internet got quicker. Then 3G gave way to HSDPA, and Sony Ericsson mobile phones gained the ability to get online at broadband speeds. And that’s where we stand now, with HSDPA giving everyone access to broadband-fast mobile internet. Let’s take a look at a couple of mobile phones that use it, and see how Sony Ericsson are capitalising on their internet success in 2008. Continue reading…

Mobile Internet – Everything You Need To Know

Mobile Internet, or mobile web for some, is a browser-based web service that allows users to access the Internet through the use of a mobile phone, personal digital assistant (PDA) or any portable gadget that is connected to a public network. The said access does not require the use of a personal desktop computer and landline usage or a laptop and Wi-Fi service for it to function.This is first used in mid-1990s using the Nokia 9000 Communicator. Back then, the Communicator is able to surf the real Internet. This means that what you see on the Communicator is the same one that you can see when you use your desktop computer. For the mobile-specific browsing mobile web service, it was launched by 1999 in Japan. This was the first commercial launch for the service.Since its launch, the mobile Internet has given a few advantages for the user. One of which is the accessibility of the Internet. One only needs a mobile phone or PDA to access the Internet. Today, there have been lots of web sites available for mobile browsing. It not only is handy but it is also very convenient. It is an Internet on the go.There are also a few disadvantages to this. One is its screen size. Since it is only a cellular phone, the size of screen is only as big and some of the text will not fit on the screen. You have to move the scroll bars from right to left to able to read or view the rest of the page. The lack of windows is also a problem. Mobile phones do not allow multiple windows for browsing unlike the normal computers.Since the launching of the Communicator, there have been a lot of improvements made in the mobile Internet. Today, it is one of the technologies that have provided full Internet access while on the go.