Stand Up For Love

There are times I find it hard to sleep at night{nl}We are living through such trouble times{nl}And every child that reaches out{nl}For someone to hold{nl}For one moment{nl}They become my own{nl}{nl}And how can I pretend that I don’t know{nl}What’s going on?{nl}When every second{nl}And every minute{nl}Another soul is gone{nl}{nl}And I believe that in my life{nl}I will see{nl}An end to hopelessness{nl}Or giving up{nl}Or suffering{nl}{nl}Then we all stand together this one time{nl}Then no one will get left behind{nl}And stand up for life{nl}Stand up{nl}And here me sing{nl}Stand up{nl}For love{nl}{nl}Im inspired{nl}And hope{nl}For each and everyday{nl}That’s how I know that things are going to change{nl}So how can I pretend that I don’t know{nl}What’s going on?{nl}When every second{nl}And every minute{nl}Another soul is gone{nl}{nl}And I believe that in my life{nl}I will see{nl}An end to hopelessness{nl}Or giving up{nl}Or suffering{nl}{nl}If we all stand together this one time{nl}Then no one will get left behind{nl}And stand up for life{nl}Stand up{nl}For love{nl}{nl}* for my Beyb ^.^ , mwaaah….

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2 Responses

  1. ndduuttnaa..beyb says:

    :smile: beneran ta beyb?hakhakhak…. awas klo bo'owng..tak kebiriiihh!! hehee..muaccchhh

  2. beybna nduut.. says:

    :smile: Bener beyb…tapi ngga pake kebiri dunk…hahaha.. mwaaahh..

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